What should you pay attention to when buy property?
-Nowadays, real estate is one of the best investment instruments.While having an investment, it is important that to know the future value of your property. To do so, search the area around the property you want to buy (distance to main roads, proximity to public transport, structure of surrounding buildings, center point, etc.).
-While searching for housing, look for similar house prices in the same neighborhood and neighborhoods.
-Try to obtain information on technical issues, such as infrastructure, ground survey, construction quality, so that you can live safely in your home. You can get help from the municipality, apartment management, neighborhood residents.
-Find out if the house you are going to purchase is owed by tax, electricity, water or dues.
-First, examine the location of the property. The ease of transportation is both important for your happiness and domestic economics. Calculate your proximity to public transport and the distance between home and work, home and school. So you get both time and cash.
Purchase of incomplete housing: Many new housing projects are being done by construction firms and contractors. While seeking to get home in your dreams, be sure to investigate the firm that undertakes the construction of the house you will buy.

Purchase of second-hand homes: Leave this job to the specialists. Describe the house in your dream, leading real estate companies help you choose the most suitable home for you.

Legal situation assessment of the house you will purchase

Have you examined the land register of the property?

The property should be organized in the form of floor ownership or floor easements for housing loans. Floor easement deeds can be processed as floor ownership if the Building Permission Permit is submitted with them. Housing, apartment, masonry, courtyard house, duplex-house, house of residence, triplex residences, inter-roof residential houses, etc. can be evaluated as housing loans. Residence credits are not used for the land title. However, if there is a building on the plot and in addition to the title deed, the Settlement Report or the building permit can be purchased, the loan application can be evaluated and a mortgage can be placed.
Floor Ownership: A completed building refers to each section of the floor, apartment, office, shop, store, cellar, warehouse as "independent part". Each of the independent sections is individually usable. It is a private property right established by the owners or joint owners of an immovable according to the provisions of the Law of Property Ownership.
Construction Servitude: On the basis of the floor property which will be overtaken after the building is completed on separate and self-contained parts, such as floors, flats, shops, stores and warehouses, is the easement right established by the stakeholders depending on the land share.

Did you know whether there is a "restriction" on the housing?
Restrictions are annotations which are processed on the title deed registry of the dwelling and limit the right of the owner to save on the house (usufructuary, mortgage, sales promise, redemption, rent, foreclosure etc.). Immovables with restrictions in title registration are not considered as mortgage loans. If the lease contract is annotated to the title deed, it is not accepted as an immovable collateral. In this case, you may have trouble when you want to buy the property.

Have you checked the "Building Permit" and "Permission to Use Building" of the building?

Building Permit: According to the Development Plan Law No. 3194, building license is mandatory. The changes to be made to the licensed structures are subject to renewed licenses. If the gross area of ​​the individual sections does not increase or does not change in qualification, it is not subject to taxes or expenses.

Certificate of Occupancy: It shows that it is completed in accordance with the license and its annexes for licensed buildings; a document that shows the registration information, the date of construction, the title deed, the address, the types, numbers, land shares, square meters, classes, property owners of the independent sections and is allowed to use building permission of the municipality.

Important Notice: Water, electricity and telephone connection can not be made to buildings and independent sections in the building without building permission.

Purchase of incomplete housing: It is important that permit of using in incomplete housing. Do not forget to check.

-Cooperatives: It is possible to obtain loans from the cooperatives for the houses that will be bought from the cooperatives and for which there is not yet a flat easement title, and to provide credits by taking the mortgage of another house in preference to the sales promise contract.
-Construction Company Projects: If you want to buy housing ongoing projects by a construction company, you can use the sale promise contract. In these projects, the floor easements can be established at the beginning of the project, or the floor easements can be established at the end of the project and then the resettlement report can be removed.

Caution: You should check that the infrastructure connections (electricity, water, natural gas) are fully built in unfinished houses. If these are done after the housing purchase, you will incur additional costs.

Structure and cost evaluation of the house you will purchase

The location of the building, the building quality and the technical characteristics of the building will determine the value of the property you will purchase. The number of apartments, usage characteristics, sound and heat insulation, the quality of construction materials, fire stairs, security, garden layout, balcony condition, construction class, ground survey are among the important factors. It is also important whether you are a tenant or not in the residence.
In addition to this, we recommend that you always do research and consider all costs in the following matters:
• The "level of completion", "title deed", "license", "permission to use" etc. investigate whether the banks provide credit conditions.
• Investigate the need for maintenance and renovations of the property and find out the costs they will incur.
• If you are buying a property for investment purposes, research the average rental income in that area, from nearby real estate agents and neighbors.
• Check whether the building is constructed in accordance with the "Earthquake Regulations" and whether it is a "Carrier System Project". We also recommend that you check the floor report with heat, water and sound insulation.
• Check that the architectural project is approved. Make sure that it is built in accordance with the project. Especially in credit-borrowed housing purchases, while the expertise value is determined, value difference arises due to incompatible construction with the project.
• Learn about the construction year and age of the installation piping of the house. Obtain information on whether the required heat insulation is made.
• For uncompleted housing projects, investigate the credibility of the construction company, the performance and financial status of the past projects, and sign the contract with the builder to ensure that the premises will be delivered to you at the time, cost, and quality that are promised.